Owner of DK9 Solutions, LLC
Growing up I was always involved with dogs and anything that had to do with them. The TV series Rin Tin Tin K9 Cop, the books Where The Red Fern Grows and The Call of The Wild were all favorites of mine as a child. The genealogy of dogs and development of different breeds grasped my interest. I guess you could say my curiosity triggered a deeper drive to become the dog trainer I am today.
My early childhood was mostly spent in Texas where I witnessed dogs in roles including herders, hunters and guardians of both property and person. When my teen years rolled in my family moved us out west to Mesa, Arizona and for the first time I saw how different the relationship was in more of an urban environment versus the rural areas I was use to. The dogs were, for the majority, only for companionship.
I was completely intrigued by the difference in culture and I started learning more about the companion role of the dog instead of just their natural-born instincts. I also started competing in confirmation dog show events, titling many dogs. The competition dog became my new passion and has allowed me with my personal dogs to have a motivation to progress my training skills. Continuously checking out new ideas and approaches to dog training, even for the pet dog. All dogs have different demeanors, temperaments, and drives. So understanding what motivated each dog individually was enlightening and helpful to becoming the dog trainer I am today.